Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The verdict is in.


I have been accused, by people close to me but whom I will, in the kindness of my heart and for their own protection, refrain from naming, of wearing clothes simply "to avoid being naked" and not because the clothes look nice or have any redeeming characteristics.


I have received word from one who is, in most universes, the undisputed expert on fashion (and everything else, really, just ask her, she'll tell you) - THE FEMALE JUNIOR HIGH STUDENT. A representative of this renowned body wrote, on a birthday card addressed to ME:

"...you dress great!"

Ladies and gentlemen, I rest my case.

Other, less eternally-significant comments on the card my students made for me while I was skipping school on my birthday include:

"Thanks for being nice to me, even tho I talk! and talk and talk and talk!"

"thanks so much for putting up with our big mouths! But we love you! your my favorite!"

"Happy B-day Senora Merrill you'r so cool, like a fresh drink in the hot summer beach, don't change you'r funniness!"

"You rock at French so enjoy some fries"

"You are so great at teaching us, you try really hard!" - ?!?!

"Thanks for helping us learn french, and please don't ever leave us with a substitute again!"

I'm like a well-dressed fresh drink in the hot summer beach. Ah yeah, baby. Would you like some fries with that?


sarah k. said...

I wanted to comment, but my brain shut down just now. However, I love the mountains too. Caught you on DYM.

Danielle said...

This is one of my favorite blog posts that you have written!

While I thought the undisputed expert on fashion was my buddy Melissa's sister, Christina, who, pardon me, looks like she just stepped out of a European French magazine, I think YOU are definitely the undisputed expert on teaching French.

Clearly -

just take a look at the love and praise of your students. :)

Well, you rock Margaret! Nice work.

BTW, what's the scoop on job stuff?

Danielle said...

This is one of my favorite blog posts that you have written!

While I thought the undisputed expert on fashion was my buddy Melissa's sister, Christina, who, pardon me, looks like she just stepped out of a European French magazine, I think YOU are definitely the undisputed expert on teaching French.

Clearly -

just take a look at the love and praise of your students. :)

Well, you rock Margaret! Nice work.

BTW, what's the scoop on job stuff?

KATE said...

Hey, that is way too cute! You are hilarious, and I'm sure you dress fantastically,and a cool drink on the beach, that is a classic!
Right on!!
How are you doing? Talk to me goose!

Unknown said...

ohh, So glad that I'm not subjecting myself and my fashion sense to teenage scrutiny.

Oh wait. I have. :p

well, at least you know they're being honest. Teenagers usually tell it like it is. Unless they're trying to get an A ;)

PS I think you dress very nicely. Not at all like you're avoiding nakedness.

Danielle said...

PS: Just as long as you're a cool drink on the beach armed with plenty of Blue Lizard Australian Sunscreen.


sorry -

i just couldn't resist!

Janell said...

All the times I've seen you, you've looked nice!

Nantie Meg said...

sweetness! You are also as cool as the other side of the pillow!

Heather said...

That is HUGE. A Jr. High kid complementing your clothing choices! :)

Plus, thanks for wearing those clothes and not being naked.

Anonymous said...

I'm fairly certain that it would be impossible for anyone to maintain indifference toward their style of dress while obsessing as you do over shoes.

Josh said...

Senora Merrill? What language do you teach again? :)