Monday, October 05, 2009

So there's this guy... :) :)

His name's Dan, he's 27, from this town where I live now, plays rugby, and can fix anything that could possibly go wrong on a car. He's also punctual (gasp! I didn't know those people even EXISTED!!) and thinks I'm funny and likes to hear my thoughts about stuff and tell me his. :) He loves the temple and honors the priesthood, and amazes me with his insights into the scriptures and his understanding of the Atonement. We've been best friends for about 6 months and dating for a week and a half now, and I'm ridiculously happy about it. :)

Just thought you might want to know... ;)


Janell said...

Yay! *bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy*

Erin said...

Sounds great! I love that you post this on your blog:) But, really, how else would I know?

Laura said...

Yeah, and I'm wondering if others have connected how BAD you have been at posting and keeping your blog alive, with how BUSY you have been, doing...**OTHER** (cough) THINGS. (Use your imagination--or don't)

Hot Scott said...

Yes, Laura, I've noticed the same thing. Interestingly, Peggy, you seem to be preoccupied with other things.

Christine Merrill said...

Ya know, SOMEONE in our family (no names mentioned) called to tell us she was engaged and we hadn't even heard she was dating anyone. That was horrible. I commend you for, um, keeping in touch :) We love you, and you're practically perfect in every way!

Nathan and Sarah said...

Well, I guess the only thing left we all need to know is, does he know how incredible you are? That you are selfless and kind and an amazing friend? Does he know that you have a strong testimony and that you serve diligently? and does he know that if he hurts you he will have to answer to me? Just wondering! I am so happy for you, and I look forward to hearing more updates! btw: you were supposed to call me!

merrilykaroly said...

Sarah, that was more than "only one thing left"; that was lots of things left. :)

We are excited that you have met someone so terrific, Margaret!

Laura said...

I just wanted to make sure everyone knew that the translation of my earlier comment is "I love you Margaret, and I am so glad you are happy!" (I'm her sister. I have to tease...)

Jeremy said...


(I save the snide comments for another time.)

Dr. Dan said...

Hey all it's Dan! :) Its amazing to me how close you all are, and I'm really glad to hear your excitement for Margaret. I don't know any of you personally yet, but I have heard so much from Margaret about you already.

in a short response to the comment by Nathan and Sarah...

I absolutely know how amazing Margaret is. She is most definitely one of Gods great and noble servants, and have already seen miracles in my own life and the lives of many others that are lucky enough to know her because of how caring and selfless she is. I am very happy, and honored to be in her life!

cheers to u all:)

Ruth said...

Yeah! Love you and I am so excited for you!

Anonymous said...

Well, He is no real man until he has eaten pickled watermelon rinds.....So if he has done that, he is somethin special!

Brittney said...

Hooray!!! He sounds perfect. :)

jeffinerkay said...

Yay! I'm glad the word is out! I have a couple of things to say:

1. Dan is a pretty neat guy too, and they make such a cute couple! :)

2. Dan-- if you make her sad, Nathan and Sarah will have to wait in line to beat you up cuz I'm first, ok? ;)

Congrats you two! :)

Camie said...

I really feel unable to express my joy and happiness over the internet.

Danielle said...

Love it! You deserve to be ridiculously happy. (Though, I don't think there's such thing as being "ridiculously happy" because HAPPINESS is definitely not RIDICULOUS!) :)

The Byingtons said...

I miss you so much!!! I hope all is going well for you. Love you! Good luck with the guy :)

Danielle said...

Yay! I'm so happy for you. Keep us posted!