Tuesday, February 08, 2011

el oh el

So one of the undergrads I work with recently told me this in an IM:
my dad sent me a text today that said "hey [name] watch out for snow el oh el"
then I asked why he said el oh el and he said he thought if he put lol that I wouldn't get it



Trent and Meg said...


Jeremy said...

El Oh El: A Critical Analysis of Modal-Intermodal Language Evolution

ABSTRACT: The interplay of language modalities was established long ago (Moriancomur & Moriancomur, 3000BCE), but the relatively recent development of intermodes (Browne, in preparation) such as txt have only begun to affect their associated primary modes. This analysis examines a single case of this transmodal feedback through a critical lens to definitively establish the causal effects. The negative impact on underprivileged and disenfranchised groups is also exaplained.