Saturday, April 28, 2012

Well...hi there :)

So it's been a while since I've posted. Yup. Had my birthday, did the first half of my pilot study (aww crap I KNEW there was something I was supposed to get done today...), went to the temple a couple of times (including today - hoorah!), what else?

I'm still looking for funding for next year, although this week I was offered something that I'm currently considering a back-up option. But as my sister reminded me, "hey - your worst case scenario just got better!" :)

My dearly beloved roommate of the last almost-two years has decided that she's moving west, closer to her family, so I'm on the lookout for someone with whom to split the rent. Still hoping that Elise gets a job in my town...

So remember when I was in charge of that student symposium two years ago? Well, it came around again this year, and in the spirit of this...

...hi friends. :)

 (And call me vain if you want, but there aren't a ton of pictures of me that I like, but I looked at these and thought, "Hey! I get to be her!" and that was a fun moment for me. :) )


Janell said...

It looks like you're doing great!

You've inspried me to update my own blog.

Emma said...

You look adorable in glasses. I love them!

Unknown said...

very,very cool :) Happy birthday.

merrilykaroly said...

Cute scarf :) I always get a little excited when I see that you've posted something.

Trent and Meg said...

You are amazing-sauce my friend! Good luck on the funding hunt and roomie hunt...:D