Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The most human-flesh-colored food I have ever eaten*

Salsa scrambled eggs. Mix in half a cup of salsa for every 3 eggs you scramble. It's a yummy variation on scrambled eggs, but the color is a little...disturbing.

* What? You don't keep track of that? That's so weird.


Chris said...

What, no picture?

The Thomas Six said...

A picture would be fun!

We eat that all the time- its a favorite around here. Sometimes we put it in a tortilla with cheddar cheese.

I never noticed the color though...

Janell said...

I need a picture of that.

And I think you now have an excuse to host a Halloween potluck of some sort :)

Rachel said...

Thus the reason I add the salsa AFTER I cook the eggs. Tasty either way. Or mix pesto in. Or dill weed. Or leftover black beans and sausage. Or.. great. Now you've made me hungry.

Rachel Kearl said...

totally agree - I noticed the color also when I also mixed... found, though, that it reminded me of how it might looking coming back up... and then it grossed me out and I couldn't eat it anymore (unless disguised in a burrito)

Danielle said...

So, I was sitting here in the library thinking "after 3 hours of studying, I should get a bite to eat". Thank you for giving the motivation to finish the last 3 sections of this chapter first. While salsa and eggs sounds TASTY. The thought of "human flesh" is um... disturbing (to say the least).

Danielle said...

So disturbing that I started thinking about the Donner party. ACK! Okay, back to the math homework.

*ehu. said...


Well, until I read this post and now I feel like Jeffrey Dahmer.

Sean Crosby said...

Ahh, So this is why I always wrap my salsa eggs up in a I can't see them!