Monday, February 15, 2010


...a colleague and I have a grant application due. It's pretty much getting to be almost done.

...I have an Arabic essay due. It's about half done and due in one hour. the last full day before Dan gets back!!

Plus, this whole new Google Buzz thing...I'm not sure how I feel about it. I mean, I've participated in the narcissistic practice of blogging for a while now (holy crap it's been four years - !!), and we know I use my gChat status bar, but somehow imposing a one-line status on the world, knowing that it's going to show up as "new" Buzz and someone's going to feel obligated to read it, if for no other reason than to get their "unread Buzz" back to zero...feels even more narcissistic. I'm not sure I can handle it. (And is it considered meta-narcissistic if I post on my blog about it??)

Happy Monday! :)


Jeremy said...

RE: Buzz. Yeah, I supposed that's how we all felt... back when Facebook started up!

Oh, and am I the only one noticing a correlation between your blogging activity and the absence of your boy?

Laura said...

No, Jeremy, you are not the only one who has noticed. Margaret also called me the other day. Yup, sure enough, the bf is out of town...

Danielle said...

Oh, the joys of writing and applying for grants. That's what I've been working for for the past two months, and just barely submitted on Friday! Tell me about your project?

By the way, one of my good friends (who, like you, is very funny) is majoring in Arabic. Perhaps, I can put the two of you in touch? You're both so awesome!

I miss you! Hope all is well.

merrilykaroly said...

Yeah, it's a good thing you aren't on Facebook (I'm assuming you are still holding out).

Now that Dan is back, will your blogging be on the back burner again? hmm?