Oooh PRR-ITTT-EEE. I gotta do some traveling again one of these days. My favorite things about that area are the cherry blossoms, the GREEEN trees, and the temple (of course).
Sometimes late at night I break into song. And in recognition of that whole it's - really - too - late - for - anyone - to - expect - me - to - be - rational thing, I typically preface my musical rendition with, "That reminds me of a song...and it goes a little something like this."
And so, when the mood strikes me, or the hour is late enough ;) , here is where I'll break into the silly songs of my childhood, the pseudo-intellectual ramblings of my grad student-hood, the haphazard mutterings of my single-hood, the philosophical musings of my female-hood, the inspirational babblings of my human-hood, the frazzled sputterings of my junior high French teacher-hood.
So world, this is me. These are my thoughts, this is my life. And it goes a little something like this...
Love. it. wish. I. was. there! Ya know hanging out with you & NO kids! hee hee! Happy Spring!!
Oooh PRR-ITTT-EEE. I gotta do some traveling again one of these days. My favorite things about that area are the cherry blossoms, the GREEEN trees, and the temple (of course).
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