Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I'm tired. And not tan.

So I worked 10 hours today, and that's after 4 nights of less than 6 hrs of sleep per night, and 3 days of walking all over DC with Kate, who bused in from the north, and Megan, who flew in from the west.

And I mean all over.


I think we decided it was about 900 million miles. And our calves, and knees, and backs hurt. And don't get me wrong - it was FUN! And I'll be posting more about it soon, with more pictures, but for now I'll leave you with this shot of me at the National Cathedral. Not sure why I tilted my head. Probably because I was just too tired to hold it up anymore. Oh yeah - see? - I'm leaning it against one of the flying buttresses.

P.S. Danielle - We all used Blue Lizard. See how sunburned I'm not??


KATE said...

How fun! It's a good thing to be tired because you've been having fun!

Janell said...

It sounds like you had fun :) Now get some rest!

Danielle said...


My immediate reaction to the "not tan" headline was...


And you're not. Good! You used the Blue Lizard - applying it at least 20-30 mins before going outside and reapplying it at least once every 2 hours, using about a shotglass amount all over (even behind the ears).

Yes, yes, this is good.

I've taught you well.

(Or indoctrinated you well, depending on who you talk to.) ;)

Nantie Meg said...

yay! we are so awesome! and so buff for walking 900million miles.