Thursday, June 05, 2008

To the powers that be...

PLEASE let the electricity in my house be back on when I get home! We just hit the 24.5 hr anniversary of it going out because of the storm, and I would REALLY like to arrive home from work to a well-lit, well-air-conditioned, well-refrigerated home!

After all, last night I had to eat an entire pint of Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream so that it wouldn't melt in my freezer, and I'd really like to avoid that in the future.

(never mind that I bought the ice cream after the power went out)


Danielle said...

Ah, you had to eat the whole thing for the both of us since one of us has self-inflicted a strict "no sugar" upom themselves and, as such, has only fond memories of her once beloved Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough Ice Cream comfort food.

(wow. that was a long sentence!)

Hope your electricity is back on ASAP!

KATE said...

there is NOTHING wrong with a pint of ice cream! I call it cheap therapy! hee hee

Unknown said...


maybe my lights should go out.

moody foodie said...

You know things are rough when you spend your evening with Ben and Jerry. Ted's visiting, and he just filled our freezer with Ben and Jerry's for us. Seriously, if you open the freezer, all you see are little pints of ice cream. We might need some assistance.....

Heather said...

Uh, girl... 24.5 hour anniversary? I love you!!! And I hope for electricity in your life.

Amy said...

I want to applaud you for your stalwartness... many a big man has blanched in the face of a pint of Ben & Jerry's. (No women, though, oddly enough...)

I like Kate's "cheap therapy" label. Rock on!

Sharon said...

Wish I could have been there to help out. :)

The Thomas Six said...

Amen to nosurfgirl!